

AES 256-bit Encryption protecting Python source code

SOURCEdefender is the easiest way to obfuscate Python code using AES-256 encryption. Used by clients worldwide, it is the most cost effective solution to help secure your Intellectual Property. There is no impact on the performance of your running application as the decryption process takes place during the import of your module. This means encrypted code won't run any slower once loaded from a .pye file compared to loading from a .py or .pyc file.


No recurring costs to distribute encrypted code!
No end user / device license required
Symmetric AES 256-bit encryption
Encrypted code will load on ANY supported target system
Bundle encrypted files or folders into a single executable binary using PyInstaller

Supported Systems

We support the following 64-bit Operating System & Architecture combinations in and hook directly into the import process so there are no cross platform compatibility issues. Each system, identified by Activation will need a license to create encrypted code. The license is fixed to the system that it is activated on for the duration of the current billing period. Please ensure you are using the latest release otherwise some of the newer Python versions may not be supported.
CPU Architecture Operating System Python Versions
AMD64 Windows 3.8 - 3.12
X86_64 Linux 3.8 - 3.12
X86_64 macOS 3.8 - 3.12
ARM64 macOS 3.9 - 3.12
AARCH64 Linux 3.8 - 3.12


TLDR ; pip install sourcedefender

We have worked hard to ensure the installation of our package is as straight forward as possible. Anyone who is used to using pip will not find this difficult. Simply run the install command above and you'll be good to go. Installation is just like installing any other Python package.


For more information on the v14.1.1 release, you can take a look on PyPi .

Price Plans

Distribution of encrypted code will always be free!

You only need to license systems that create encrypted code.



per development system, per month

Basic Email Support

CI/CD Pipeline Friendly

Professional Services

Payment Options
Credit Card

Payment Frequency



per development system, per year

Basic Email Support

CI/CD Pipeline Friendly

Professional Services

Payment Options
Credit Card

Payment Frequency

Best Value!



per month, unlimited usage

Basic Email Support

CI/CD Pipeline Friendly

Professional Services

Payment Options
Credit Card

Payment Frequency

A customers server would not need a license to run any code you encrypt for them. An example of system that would need a license would be a developers computer, a virtual machine that is part of your CI/CD pipeline.

Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Email Support

We provide support via email for installation issues and can help with generic usage issues. If you have a more in-depth issue specific to your project you can engage with our Professional Services Team.

CI/CD Pipeline Friendly

When using our SDK in an automated build pipeline you will need to activate your build environment on each run of your pipeline. This can get very expensive if you are not on our Enterprise Plan. If you are on the Enterprise Plan, then you have nothing to worry about as your costs are fixed.

Professional Services

On the Enterprise Plan we include unlimited access to our Professional Services Team. They will be able to assist you with integrating the usage of our SDK deep into your project. However, to do this they will need access to your projects source code to be able to help. If you do not want us to see your source code, please prepare a Skeleton Application example that we can work with. Don't worry, if you are not on the Enterprise Plan, you can engage the Professional Services Team for a small fee. Click here to find out more.

Docker compatibility

The running of encrypted code inside a docker container is supported, and encrypting code is also supported. However, when you start a Docker Container the Container ID changes and this would mean that when you activate your license, you would get charged for each instance launched. This could get expensive if not carefully managed. If you are on the Enterprise Plan, then you have nothing to worry about as your costs are fixed.


An activation takes place when a developer installs the sourcedefender package (via 'pip install sourcedefender') on a system and then runs the "sourcedefender activate --token" command with your unique token.

Automatic Renewal & Cancellation

We will automatically renew a subscription at the end of its billing period. You can cancel a subscription from the Dashboard where these can be identified by the System UUID. To find your System UUID, you can run "sourcedefender validate" on the system you wish to cancel the subscription. Any encrypted code you have deployed will continue to run even after you end your subscription.

Refunds & Transfers

We are unable to offer refunds on our subscriptions or transfer it to a new host.